Friday, February 28, 2014

February 28, 2014

How far along are you on your infographic? Will you be finished and ready to embed on to your blog by the end of the hour today? Do you think you've used your time wisely in class? Explain yourself.

On my infographic I only have to add the resources and I am finished. I think I will be finished by the end of the class today so I can embed it on my blog. I think I've used my time wisely in class because I have been able to complete my infographic in a timely manner.

Oh, and also Sarah hasn't used her time wisely because she doesn't focus on her task. She is always talking to Ruth, Tiffany, or me. She also had to use time outside of class to work on finishing her infographic on time, so this further proves that she hasn't been using her time wisely in class.

Thursday, February 27, 2014

February 27, 2014

Why do I have you brainstorm and collect your information in a Google Doc before putting in to final draft? Explain.

You have us brainstorm and collect information in a Google Doc before putting it into a final draft because then we have an idea of what we want to say and sources for information. If we just started writing a final draft and didn't have any sources for information or any idea what we wanted to say, then the final draft wouldn't be as good.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

February 25, 2014

Yesterday I introduced you to infographics... tell me again what they are and how they are used? What is the benefit of an infographic? What goes into an infogrpahic?

Infographics are an easy way to present information. They are used to present statistics, pictures, and other information about a topic. The benefit of an inforgraphic is they are easy to understand and they prevent information in a fun way. Statistics, facts, step-by-step processes, images, and tips are all in infographics.

Monday, February 24, 2014

February 24, 2014

Post your research paper to your blog. Give me a short (one paragraph summary) of your paper and include the link for me read your paper. Make sure you link up words! Do NOT copy and paste the ugly link. This should not be foreign to you.

My global issue paper is about global warming. It talks about different causes of global warming, including greenhouse gas contributions. It also talks about how global warming has affected the world and different places. With all the causes and effects of global warming, there are many ways that global warming can be prevented, including CO2 recycling, which is further explained in my paper.

This is my Global Issues Paper.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

February 18, 2014

Where are you at with your 5 paragraph essay so far? How is it coming? Is it easy to write? Difficult to write? Is it helpful that you created an outline first? Explain.

I am ready to start my fourth paragraph of my essay. I think it is coming along well. I think that it is easy to write. I think it was helpful that I created an outline first because it shows me what I need to say. I also know that I won't miss anything because it is all in my outline.

Monday, February 3, 2014

Monday, February 3

Tell me about your Sweetheart weekend. If you didn't go to Sweetheart, what did you do? I want details!

This weekend, instead of going to Sweetheart a couple of friends and I went bowling. I got one strike, but only ended up with a total score of 48. Then, on Sunday I watched the Superbowl. My brother was cheering for the Broncos, so he wasn't very happy when they lost. I knew from the first play when the center threw the ball over Peyton Manning's head that the Broncos weren't going to do so hot.